The Hushed Poetry of Trees in the Night
by Wendy J St Christopher
The Hushed Poetry of Trees in the Night
Wendy J St Christopher
Digital Art - Photographic Art
"Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber!"
- Lord Byron
Painterly effects bring starry, dreamlike, evening to a suburban stand of conifers. Dreamy Faux-van Gogh scene of trees at early night, created from my original photograph, taken in Castle Hills, Texas.
*NOTE - For this image, the artist suggests FAA's Premium Somerset Velvet Paper. However, this image is beautiful and long-lasting with most of FAA's premium papers, Metal, or Acrylic finishes. (*Wood print is NOT recommended for this image!)
Explore the attractive custom framing and matting options available on this page; all are competitively priced.
If you have any questions about my images or need assistance with sizing, framing, etc., please contact me at or by using the 'Contact' link on my profile page.
The Hushed Poetry Of Trees In The Night
by Wendy J. St. Christopher
July 23rd, 2013
Comments (19)
Wendy J St Christopher
Featured in Digital Magic group, Night In Art group, Premium FAA Artist group. Thank you to all! :-)
Greg Collins
Congratulations! Your painting is featured in the group, "The Best of Dynamic Auto-Painter". Beautifully done!
Greg Collins
Lovely job. You are invited to add this painting to the group "The Best of Dynamic Auto-Painter".
Pamela Cooper
Van Gogh is jealous... :)
Wendy J St Christopher replied:
Maybe jealous that I have a camera and PC . . . and both ears! Thanks for the fun comment, Pamela! :-)